Oproep registratie producten in Europese product cataloog
Momenteel loopt het Europees project, gAALaxy. Het doel van het project is om productenbundels samen te stellen op basis van de noden/behoeften van de persoon die thuiswoont. Op basis van aangeboden technologiebundel kan de persoon langer thuis wonen. In de eerste fase van het project is het de bedoeling dat alle mogelijk producten/diensten in kaart worden gebracht door registratie via een survey.
Mag ik een warme oproep doen aan alle fabrikanten actief op dit forum om de survey in te vullen? Op die manier zijn we op de hoogte van jullie bestaan en jullie producten en diensten.
Onderstaand vinden jullie de algemene mail die is rondgestuurd naar zoveel mogelijke fabrikanten /service providers in Europa.
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
within the research and pilot project “gAALaxy“ ICT-based living and housing through Active Assisted Living (AAL) solutions will be tested and evaluated in 180 households.
The involved households are situated in Austria, Belgium and Italy.
You are invited to place your innovative products, services and systems in our gAALaxy product catalogue for the later decision-making and procurement process.
Submission Deadline: November 11, 2016
Link: http://provider.survey.gaalaxy.eu
The consortium will use the catalogue as a basis for the individual selection of AAL solutions and the development of procurement proposals. The evaluation phase is open for AAL related R&D projects / solutions as well as for solutions that are ready for the market or already available on the market. The focus is on requirement-oriented Smart Home and Smart Service offers, which are based on the newest information and communication technologies and which can be applied within the context of assisted living as well as within the general domestic environment.
Important Dates:
October until end November 2016: Preliminary selection of AAL solutions including the development of procurement proposals
April 2017 until October 2018: Piloting and evaluation phase
Pre-evaluation procedure:
Part A: gAALaxy: Solution Provider
Part B: gAALaxy: Products, services and systems (solutions)
Within Part A please fill in the basic information regarding your organisation. You only need to fill out Part A once. Within Part B you can fill in the information for your specific solution. You can fill out Part B several times to place different solutions.
Link: http://provider.survey.gaalaxy.eu
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your solutions.