Twente Medical Optics


We are bringing the first handheld laser perfusion imager to the market. It visualize the blood perfusion level under the tissue. Based on this, the surgeons in the microsurgery fields could make good judgement of the surgery outcome. It will prevent for necrosis and potential re-surgeries.

Medisch technologische innovaties
Regio Overijssel
Help ons versnellen

We would like to further collaborating with hospitals, optical experts, engineering partners and usability design partner.
They are our end-users and customers. Understanding their opinions and current workflow will be essential for making our product adopted. Additionally, we would like to further conduct clinical studies and user tests at the partner hospitals.
Optical experts:
We use laser technology for diagnosis. Therefore we need optical experts to assist us on optimizing the optical systems.
Engineering partner:
We need a reliably engineering partner who is knowledgeable about medical product development, therefore understanding the stakes of quality and regulatory systems. We need them to help us further develop the product until pre-clinical dossier ready.
Usability design partner:
As we are bringing the first handheld laser perfusion imager to the market, usability is one of our USPs. We want to offer superior technology without interrupting the exiting workflow of the medical workers.