Strategy & Design Summer School
A series by ktc together with a special guest speaker. With exercises to do during summer vacation with friends or family. Remotely, over Zoom with beach background!
4+1 webinar chapters with deep insights
70% of all new products and services fail in the market. Our experts will teach you a mindset shift needed to create success and show you a practical set of tools that helps you design new services with more success by collaborating with customers from day 1.
5 augustus
Chapter 1: Inspiration
The 10 sexiest business ideas of 2020, unraveled for you
Avant-garde UX, new business models constructs, unexpected growth strategies: Get to know the secrets behind Lynk&Co, a car company that doesn’t sell cars, to Maven Clinic, a telehealth company that disrupts women’s health and Epic Games Fortnite, that is a community, concert place and game in one. Learn from Chinese companies with an entirely new mindset on e-commerce and sales and more. We’ll discuss the raison d’etre of these companies and how you can apply their models.
Together with your family or friends you will solve the assignment: how does a lemonade stand or craft beer look like following these examples?
12 augustus
Chapter 2: Your organization
Create an innovation movement your boss cannot say no to
Is effective innovation in companies luck, coincidence or one overachieving entrepreneur? No, It’s the result of organizing for business exploration — method, culture, people and KPI’s. During this chapter, we’ll discover the most important ingredients of a highly effective innovation discipline in your company.
- How to gather your stakeholders around innovation: the innovation thesis
- Beyond the paper business case: how to do implement evidence-based innovation
- How to select the right people for your team
- Typical roles in an innovation team
- How to manage budget & investment criteria
In the workshop you will design the innovation thesis for your company.
19 augustus
Chapter 3: Better understanding customers
Forget surveys. Discover customer needs beyond the obvious with empathy
70% of all products fail in the market. The better your understand customer needs, the higher the odds your innovation succeeds in the market.During this chapter we’ll tell you all about better customer researhc through a starutp method called customer development. We’ll show you the concept of job to be done to get a fuller and deeper insight into customer needs and how to work with the jtbd canvas.
- Beyond the average: Personas and empathy mapping
- Fundaments of customer development: the framework
- Interviewing vs surveys: when and how to use them
- How to do remote interviewing
- Beyond functional needs: the job to be done canvas
Together with your kids or friends, you will develop the job to be done canvas of a lemonade stand or craft beer.
26 augustus
Chapter 4: Modern Design Practices
How to design a service customers love combining service with top brand & UX techniques
Modern customers are demanding and user experience standards are set beyond your industry by the latest, slickest and most beautiful apps out there. In a world that is characterized by abundance, how to claim a spot for a meaning ful new positioning and product?
- Powerful new ideation techniques on brand, UX, customer pain and more.
- Brand narrative and design: 16 archetypes
- UX design basics
- Consistent & inclusive design
- Go to market strategies
In the workshop you will apply a design technique on your lemonade stand or craft beer to make it more appealing to your target.
2 september
Chapter 5:Live customer validation & Ghost Launching
Launching 2.0: Getting feedback while building up a fanbase of early adopters
- 10 ways of experimenting
- Creating a panel of ambassadors
- Data finding and interpretation
- Launching pitfalls
During the workshop you will develop a ghost launching strategy for your lemonade stand or craft beer that makes you learn while creating a fan base.
Price varies between: free (for ktc clients, students early startups, NGO's and small companiens in problems because of corona virus) and 495 euros.