Rotterdam Square Event: AI in Healthcare

15 februari 2024 16:00 - 18:30
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam

In order to continue to meet healthcare demands in the future, the focus is set on innovations: the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an important role in this. How is the use of AI being researched and implemented at Erasmus MC, one of the Netherlands’ biggest medical centers?

You are very welcome to join Rotterdam Square’s knowledge driven session about AI in healthcare on Thursday, February 15, with the latest updates from the medical center to answer this question.

Date: February 15, 2024
Time: 15:30-18:30
Location: Restaurant Feel Good, Erasmus MC, building Ns-169 – Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD, Rotterdam


15.30-16:00 Walk in

16.00-16:05 Introductions by Sharon Mullen (moderator)

16.05-16:25 Research: “House of Cards: The Fragile Foundation of AI in Medical Research”

  • Gennady Roshchupkin, Assistant Professor and “Computational Population Biology” group leader in departments of Epidemiology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Erasmus MC

16.25-16:45 Healthcare: “Adopting AI in Clinical Settings Responsibly”

  • Michel van Genderen, Internist-intensivist and Co-founder of the Erasmus MC Datahub and the Responsible Ethical AI Healthcare Lab (REAiHL)
  • Elo Bosma, CEO at Medicine for Business & AI Project Manager at Erasmus MC

16.45-17:05 Industry Partner: In-depth look at LLM

17.05-17:30 Panel Discussion

17:30-18:30 Networking

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